Those Waferlock smartlocks that allow the use of a PIN code for authorisation (C760 electronic cylinders and L701 electronic handles) can operate in Dual Authorisation Mode: to gain access in this mode, the user must both present a card and enter the PIN code.
Dual authorisation mode can be used to restrict access to high security areas so that an intruder cannot gain access by stealing or copying the card.
Dual authorisation mode works differently for different electronic locks and different operating modes.
The L701 smart door handles allow dual authorisation in both standalone mode (when the smart lock is used without smartphone pairing) and in smartphone pairing mode.
In standalone mode, the L701 electronic lock allows access on presentation of any authorised card and any authorised PIN code.
In smartphone pairing mode, the administrator assigns the dual authorisation mode at user level. This means that this mode can be set for one user while another user continues to have card only or PIN only access.
Please note that the sound and light signals are different in standalone mode and in smartphone pairing mode.
The C760 Smart Cylinder can only be in dual authorisation mode when paired with a smartphone. This option is not available in standalone mode.