Web interface

In order to start using the EVVA AirKey system, you need to create a user account. Open the homepage of the EVVA AirKey administration system and register as a new user. All you need is a working email address.

The main functions of the EVVA AirKey web interface:

  • adding of KeyCredits – virtual payment units used to pay for access rights changes
  • adding and deleting of users and keys
  • adding and deleting of locking devices
  • adding, changing and termination of access rights
  • viewing the system event log

All of the AirKey administration system functions are described in the user’s manual.

After making changes to the system that require transferring to the locking devices or keys you’ll need to use a smartphone with an AirKey app installed to transfer the data. Information is transferred to the locking devices through NFC or Bluetooth, and to the keys – through NFC. If your smartphone doesn’t support NFC, you’ll have to use one of the locking devices as a “bridge” between your smartphone and a key: the smartphone connects to the device through Bluetooth, and then the device transfers data to the key through NFC.

Currently (mid 2022) EVVA AirKey interface is available in 11 languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Polish, Czech and Slovenian.